Thursday, August 4, 2011

Technology: Reflection

As a writer, I deem technology and its advancements in our society as neutral. The impacts of technology depends on how we create and utilize it. When I say technology is neutral, I am implying that it can be either advantageous or disadvantageous. There are always two sides to everything, the good side and the bad side. This goes for technology as well. Considering the high degree of the impact of technology on our society, a typical example below is reflective of the dependency of human on it, be it information technology or Internet technology. There are always the positive and negative impacts.

A day, in the life of one particular person begins rising to the sound of an alarm, which by the way have been programmed into his television or music players or maybe a loud alarm watch. Earlier, man used to rise to the sound of bird or animal cries, which was largely unpredictable, but since then, we have come to a stage where these functions are a part of 'negligibly significant technology'. Rising up and getting ready for the days work involves the use of a series of technological advents from the ultra-modern amenities of bathing and cleaning to the refreshing breakfast, courtesy various applications in the kitchen like refrigerator, ovens, toaster and so on. The day begins with the aid of most modern equipments like travel, work related and entertainment amenities, in the process delighting, treating and securing the life of a certain part of the society. The evening, ironically marks the illumination of society by technological applications, before finally resigning to the bed.

But a day in the life of a common man, may also be affected by bombings, accidents due to the vehicles, certain lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart attack due to unhealthy and fast paced living. All these constitute the negative implications of technology on the life of a commoner. The social issues like, the use of latest gadgetry, economic and social development leading to more comfortable lives, the impact on sociological aspects due to modern warfare or the launch of a new phase in global relations, international and environmental issues and so on, amply exemplify technological penetration in society.

The question that remains to be answered, is not how does technology affect the society. The question is, whether technology would be able to guarantee a conducive future for sustainability and flourishing of modern society.

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